Golden, Harry Lewis

Personal Information

  • Born in 1902

Included Titles By Golden, Harry Lewis

Here are some other books by the author:
A Little Girl Is Dead, World Publishing, 1965
Jews in American History, H. L. Martin, 1950
Jews in the South, 1951
Only in America, World Publishing, 1958
For 2 Cents Plain, World Publishing, 1959
Enjoy, Enjoy, World Publishing, 1960
Carl Sandburg, World Publishing, 1961
You're Entitle', World Publishing, 1962
Forgotten Pioneer, World Publishing, 1963
Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes, World Publishing, 1964
So What Else Is New?, Putnam, 1964
The Best of Harry Golden, World Publishing, 1967
The Right Time: An Autobiography, Putnam, 1969
So Long as You're Healthy, Putnam, 1970
The Israelis, Putnam, 1971
The Golden Book of Jewish Humor, Putnam, 1972
The Greatest Jewish City in the World, Doubleday, 1972
Travels through Jewish America, Doubleday, 1973
Our Southern Landsman, Putnam, 1974
Long Live Columbus, Putnam, 1975
A Bintel Brief, Ballantine, 1977

N.C. Locations Associated with Golden, Harry Lewis

Resided in:
Charlotte (City/Town)
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Charlotte
