Ethridge, Willie Snow

Personal Information

  • Born in 1900

Here are some other books by the author:
Mingled Yarn, Macmillan, 1938
Summer Thunder, Coward, 1958
As I Live and Breathe, Stokes, 1936
I'll Sing One Song, Macmillan, 1941
This Little Pig Stayed Home, Vanguard, 1944
It's Greek to Me, Vanguard, 1948
Going to Jerusalem, Vanguard, 1950
Let's Talk Turkey, Vanguard, 1952
Nila, Simon & Schuster, 1956
Russian Duet, Simon & Schuster, 1959
There's Yeast in the Middle East, Vanguard, 1962
I Just Happen to Have Some Pictures, Vanguard, 1964
You Can't Hardly Get There from Here, Vanguard, 1965
Strange Fires, Vanguard, 1971
Side by Each, Vanguard, 1973

N.C. Locations Associated with Ethridge, Willie Snow

Resided in:
Chatham (County)
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
