Eaton, Charles Edward

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
A Lady of Pleasure, Cornwall Books, 1993
Karl Knaths, Shiver Mountain Press, 1971
Robert Broderson, Washington Art Association, 1975
The Man from Buena Vista, Cornwall Books, 2001
The Bright Plain, University of North Carolina Press, 1942
The Shadow of the Swimmer, Fine Editions, 1951
The Greenhouse in the Garden, Twayne, 1956
Countermoves, Abelard, 1963
On the Edge of the Knife, Abelard, 1970 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)
The Man in the Green Chair, A. S. Barnes, 1977
Colophon of the Rover, A. S. Barnes, 1980
The Thing King, Cornwall Books, 1983 (Brockman-Campbell Book Award recipient)
The Work of the Wrench, Cornwall Books, 1985 (Brockman-Campbell Book Award recipient)
New and Selected Poems, 1942-1987, Cornwall Books, 1987 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)
A Guest on Mild Evenings, Cornwall Books, 1991 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)
The Country of the Blue, Cornwall Books, 1994
The Fox and I, Cornwall Books, 1996
The Scout in Summer, Cornwall Books, 1999
The Jogger by the Sea, Cornwall Books, 2000
Short Story Fiction
Write Me from Rio, John F. Blair, 1959
The Girl from Ipanema, North Country Publishing, 1972
The Case of the Missing Photographs, A. S. Barnes, 1978
New and Selected Stories, 1959-1989, Cornwall Books, 1989
Theatrical Fiction
Sea Psalm, Garrett & Massie, 1956

N.C. Locations Associated with Eaton, Charles Edward

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Studied at:
Appalachian State University
Duke University
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
