Daniels, Jonathan Worth

Personal Information

Included Titles By Daniels, Jonathan Worth

Here are some other books by the author:
Clash of Angels, Brewer & Warren, 1930
Frontier on the Potomac, Macmillan, 1946
The Man of Independence, Lippincott, 1950 (Mayflower Award recipient)
The End of Innocence, Lippincott, 1954
Three Presidents and Their Books: The Readings of Jefferson, Lincoln, and F. D. Roosevelt, University of Illinois Press, 1955
The Forest Is the Future, International Paper Co., 1957
Prince of the Carpetbaggers, Lippincott, 1959
Stonewall Jackson, Random House, 1959 (American Association of University Women Award recipient)
Mosby, Gray Ghost of the Confederacy, Lippincott, 1959
Robert E. Lee, Houghton, 1960
October Recollections, Bostick & Thornley, 1961
The Devil's Backbone, McGraw, 1962
They Will Be Heard, McGraw, 1965
The Time between the Wars, Doubleday, 1966
Washington Quadrille, Doubleday, 1967
Ordeal of Ambition: Jefferson, Hamilton, and Burr, Doubleday, 1970 (Mayflower Award recipient)
The Randolphs of Virginia, Doubleday, 1972
The Gentlemanly Serpent and Other Columns from a Newspaperman in Paradise, University of South Carolina Press, 1974
White House Witness, Doubleday, 1975

N.C. Locations Associated with Daniels, Jonathan Worth

Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
