Carolina Consortium

Considering dropping a big deal and subscribing to individual journals instead?

This calculator is intended to help model what the individual subscription approach might look like, including cost savings, number of titles retained, and effect on future inflation rates.

This calculator covers only our 6 largest big deals, but the principles can also be applied to any other deal. All you need to start is to know how much you are paying to participate in each big deal you want to model.

Cambridge University Press
Includes 400+ active (and 100+ other) journals with a list value of $238,591. There are 13 CC subscribers.
Elsevier Freedom Collection
Package of 2380 titles (including 1852 active titles) that lists for $5,351,624 for 2020. There are 12 CC subscribers.
Oxford University Press
Package of approximately 357 active titles, plus 100+ others, that listed at around $300,000 for 2019. Because of the way this deal is set up, each school is getting a somewhat different title list. There are 26 CC subscribers.
SAGE Premier
In 2020, most subscribers are getting 943 titles with a list price of $914,393. ECU, Methodist, and Wake Forest are in a slightly smaller and cheaper version of Premier. There are 29 total subscribers.
Springer Legacy
Static title list that includes 1569 active and 2000+ total titles that listed at $2.7 million in 2019. There are 24 subscribers.
Springer All+
Database model that includes 2208 active and 2500+ total titles that listed at $3.3 million in 2020. There are 15 subscribers.
Database model that includes 1498 active titles with a 2020 list price of $3,400,539 and 37 CC subscribers.

Most of these Carolina Consortium deals have variants that allow individual schools to enjoy reduced cost or reduced cost increases, usually in exchange for less content or longer subscription commitment. The deals also have varying terms for which years and which titles you retain after exiting a big deal. Contact Tim for details.